Sustainable shaping of anthropopressure
the foundations of civilization, sustainable development, antropopressureAbstract
Developed democratic countries seek to ensure that development is not accidental and meets certain established goals and limitations. These arise from the nature of sustainable development, which has now become a fundamental category for civilization. The development process is driven and conditioned by a set of rules that must be complied with by any developing entity. These principles derive from the inherent characteristics and qualities of sustainable activities (support, maintenance, and existence) which provide for a long, multi-generational existence. They also form the three pillars derived directly from the canons of culture: values and ethics, laws of nature and physics, and economic efficiency and performance management. The work presents a set of directives and instruments which form the conceptual framework of an entity’s sustainable development activities, the object of which is: good human health; a durable and high quality of life; economic growth and innovation, and efficiency in the economic sector; the permanent provision of an adequate level of consumption for each member of the global community; as well as increasing the quantity and improving the quality of environmental resources and the multiplication of cultural goods.
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