Raising Profitability in an Apiary
apiary, profitability, beekeepingAbstract
The article is devoted to the issues of raising the profitability of stationary apiaries in Poland. The research basis is the characteristics of the branch based on the annual reports of the Research Institute of Pomology and Floriculture in Puławy, the calculation of revenues and costs as well as the assets. The right measurement of profitability comes down to determining the profit threshold and establishing the value of ROA (return-on-assets) and ROS (return-on-sale) ratios depending on the size of the farm and the distribution channel. In the further part of the article various methods of improving the results are considered. They have been gathered in three main areas: reduction of costs, mechanization and the utilization of economies of scale as well as widening the range of offered products (bee pollen, nuclei). The aim of my research is proving that the establishing and developing of apiaries brings financia l benefits and that there is a huge space allowing beekeepers to improve their financial results.
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