Environmental Protection in Communes of Specific Natural Values. The Example of the Wieluński County Communes Owing a Landscape Park
community, natural values, landscape park, environmental protectionAbstract
In the dynamic social-economic processes the environmental protection of the areas of great natural interest is a challenge for territorial units (communes). The multiplicity and diversity of natural environment and cultural territory is a specific endogenous resource, which is a value but it requires the intensification of the activities for the sake of their protection. The subject of the article is the issue of environmental protection, the subject of the research are Wieluński County communes which have outstanding natural values that are a tourist attraction for the inhabitants of łodzkie, śląskie and opolskie voivodeship. In the article, the main fields of local government activity in the scope of environmental protection are presented and the identification of the main problems has been carried out. A particular attention was paid to the communities which have a landscape park within their area.
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