Technological Paradigms and Trajectories – Tanks Case Study


  • Marcin Szost



evolutionary economics, neo-schumpeterian economics, innovation, technological paradigm, technological trajectory, product life cycle


This article presents and verifies an idea of technological paradigm and technological trajectory. According to this theory technological progress is not a random process, but its regular and stable course is set by a technological trajectory. This regularity results from the application of similar methods to solve technological problems. The set of these methods is established by existing technological paradigm. The study of the process of changes in tanks technical characteristics confirms the existence of such regularity. Turning points and consecutive phases of progress related to changes in technological paradigm are identified. History of these changes also fits to a classical product life cycle.


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How to Cite

Szost, M. (2015). Technological Paradigms and Trajectories – Tanks Case Study. Gospodarka W Praktyce I Teorii, 41(4), 55–76.


