Selected economic instruments to limit water deficit in an international perspective


  • Agnieszka Thier Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie



water resources, the crisis of water supply, costs recovery of water services, bottled water, tap water


The article presents the issue of water prices for the population in conditions – on one hand – compliance with EU rule on the costs recovery of water services – and the recommendations of the European Union and the UN so as not to pay for water greater load of household income than 4%. In developed countries, this is much easier than in poor countries, where the rate reaches as high as 10%. Among the consequences of the costs recovery of water services principle, the author analyzes trade issues of water in the stock market and the competition between bottled water and tap water.


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How to Cite

Thier, A. (2017). Selected economic instruments to limit water deficit in an international perspective. Gospodarka W Praktyce I Teorii, 44(3), [111]-121.


