Applying input-output tables for modeling inflation processes
input-output price model, forecasting inflation, HICP, price indexAbstract
The aim of this study is a preliminary test of input-output price model as a tool for forecasting inflation. A procedure for predicting the popular price index HICP is proposed. The procedure is then tested on Danish economy for the period 2000–2007, due to the availability of statistical material. The procedure involves ex post solution of input-output price model for an open economy, and then applying appropriate weights to calculate a macroeconomic deflator of household consumption. In the experiment it was assumed, that the exogenous variables of the price model has been perfectly for seen, and the parameters of the model were adopted at the level of the preceding year. Forecasts errors were decomposed into three components. The proposed procedure is significantly different from the most frequently used methods of forecasting inflation, which describe the macroeconomic price indicators (with greater than annual frequency) using stochastic models.
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