Is the polish tax system progressive? Analysis of the tax burden depending on the type of employment


  • Radosław Piwowarski Uniwersytet Łódzki, Instytut Ekonomii, Katedra Funkcjonowania Gospodarki



progressive tax system, tax, VAT, income tax, excise


Most of European Union countries apply progressive personal income taxes (PIT). This is the result of the vertical equity principle application, which allows for redistributive fiscal policy. In Poland the mixed system it adopted. Beside the tax payment based on the traditional progressive tax scale, since 2004 self-employed person being non-agricultural entrepreneur may choose tax payment according to 19% flat rate tax. The aim of the study is to analyze the progressiveness of the Polish tax system depending on the form of employment. The analysis takes into account the tax burden caused by PIT, VAT, excise tax, social security contributions and health insurance. Calculations are performed for year 2012 in accordance with appropriate tax rates and insurance limits. To estimate the burden of VAT and excise tax Central Statistical Office of Poland (GUS) data from the Household Budget Survey for 2012 is used. The results show, that the form of employment significantly affects the size of the tax burden, and thus, determines the progression of the tax system. For an employee tax system is progressive. Self-employed person being non-agricultural entrepreneur paying taxes according to the tax scale, faces the progression of the tax system above 100 000 zł revenue. In the case of self-employment combined with a 19% flat tax rate, the tax system is purely regressive.


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How to Cite

Piwowarski, R. (2017). Is the polish tax system progressive? Analysis of the tax burden depending on the type of employment. Gospodarka W Praktyce I Teorii, 42(1), [33]-50.


