Stylistic and poetic of extreme: analysis of the poetic work "Galerie infernale" of Jean-Marie-Adiaffi


  • Fulbert Koffi Université Alassane Ouattara, Côte d’Ivoire



extreme, dialectic, ethics, fantastic inflection, figures of speech


Galerie infernale, in many ways, is a subversion against the language and ethical standards. This transgression is perceived at different levels of language: lexicon, syntax and left, logic combination of sense and thought. This language of rupture is put at the service of thought itself at odds with ethical values commonly accepted in society. Everything happens so as if the poet decided to cross the humanly acceptable limits and to peer into the territories of the extreme language and ethics, as to reveal the finitude and the failure of language, with its all too outdated moral. The aim of the game is to offer other possibilities to a society adrift despite its standards.


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How to Cite

Koffi, F. (2020). Stylistic and poetic of extreme: analysis of the poetic work "Galerie infernale" of Jean-Marie-Adiaffi. E-Scripta Romanica, 8, 74–84.


