What one has. Intimacy and other aspects of the poems of Fina García Marruz
Cuban poetry, intimacy, analysis and interpretation, Fina García MarruzAbstract
The article explores, in its first part, the wealth of interiority in some moments of poetry of Cuban Fina García Marruz, and how it becomes a matter for the realms of poetry. In the first section we try to maintain that every times when the poet speaks of his inner realm, he is alluding to something said about poetry and, in turn, the way of life. In the second part, some moments of Visitaciones (1970) and Habana del centro (1997) are revised to describe the construction of this intimate Cuba that the writer is essential for her in his poetry. Light, time, portraits of friends of the landmass generation around the magazine Orígenes, blue as the symbolic color of the island, fruits, landscapes, music, are elements that uniqueness, a kind of intimate homeland.
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