The meanders of maternality in Carole Fives’ Tenir jusqu’à l’aube and Adeline Fleury’s Ida n’existe pas




Fleury, Fives, maternal burnout, rejection of motherhood


Maternality, according to Hyvrard, is concerned not only with childbirth, but in particular with the whole mental universe of the mother and with the physical, psychic, social and cultural changes in her life. The article shows these changes and analyses the emotional ambiguity of two single mothers, protagonists of Carole Fives’ Tenir jusqu’à l’aube (2018) and Adeline Fleury’s Ida n’existe pas (2020). Based on feminist critical approach (Kristeva, Irigaray) and on psychoanalytic theories (Guéritault), the analysis demonstrates that their negative emotions and their rejection of motherhood originates from maternal burn-out. The complexity of this feeling, which results from the maternal function and from the particular situation of the mothers in question, is demonstrated, among others, by their depersonalisation, their isolation and their contradictory emotions towards the child.


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How to Cite

Loska, A. (2022). The meanders of maternality in Carole Fives’ Tenir jusqu’à l’aube and Adeline Fleury’s Ida n’existe pas. E-Scripta Romanica, 10, 96–107.


