From infernal journeys to the art of scandal with August Strindberg




wisdom through madness, infernal circles, alchemy, foolishness for Christ, acte gratuit


August Strindberg abandons his family, plunges into the Parisian hell and struggles with the angel in order to regain his faith. He disappoints his public by becoming an alchemist and painter in order to better fight against institutionalized positivism and academic aestheticism. Under the mask of madness, he overthrows all established institutions and blurs the boundaries between objectivity and subjectivity. He disrupts, disturbs, shocks; his strangeness seperates him from the world and assures him, by imitatio Christi, his own Way of the Cross: he internalizes the journey and walks erratic paths, convinced that loss is the path that leads to rebirth.


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How to Cite

Larangé, D. S. (2022). From infernal journeys to the art of scandal with August Strindberg. E-Scripta Romanica, 10, 37–52.


