Congruence of two polyphonic theories in the stylistic analysis of novelistic texts: intertextuality and dialogism in Maurice Bandaman’s L’état z’héros ou la guerre des gaous




stylistics, dialogism, intertextuality, polyphony, literarity


L’état z’héros is a work in which Maurice Bandaman integrates the tale into the frame structure of the novel. Its discursivity is based on a number of oral intertexts including ritual songs, stanzas, opuses and references integrated in the form of a literary collage. At the narrative level, the voices of the narrators interact with those of the characters in dialogues and autonomous monologues by characters or narrators. These dialogic relationships highlight narrative metalepses that are polyphonic. It is one of the marks of literarity, the main driving force of stylistic analysis. The aims of this article are, firstly, to show that dialogism and intertextuality are two approaches echoing each other in the stylistic analysis of novelistic texts and, secondly, to prove that intertextual relations lead to polyphony and bring literarity to the fore.


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How to Cite

Coulibaly, D. (2022). Congruence of two polyphonic theories in the stylistic analysis of novelistic texts: intertextuality and dialogism in Maurice Bandaman’s L’état z’héros ou la guerre des gaous. E-Scripta Romanica, 10, 1–12.


