Soy, doy, estoy and voy: Desinential Yod in Corpus CODEA+ 2015


  • Marina Serrano Marín GITHE-Universidad de Alcalá, España



historical verbal morphology, Historical Sociolinguistics, castellano medieval, Linguistic corpora, CODEA 2015


From a perspective which combines different linguistic disciplines, this article researches the variation which is naturally determined by the linguistic change and the selection which have affected the 1st singular person of the present indicative variables of the verbs ser, estar, dar and ir. The key question which has given rise to this research lies in whether the verbal morphological variables with desinential yod, appeared simultaneously all over the Spanish-speaking and bilingual territory of the Peninsula, or if, on the contrary, they showed a different frequency of appearance and a different chronological, geographic and diastratic distribution. This analysis provides quantifiable empirical data and theoretical arguments which, on the one hand, let us establish a more accurate periodization of the studied phenomenon than the one provided up to now, and, on the other hand, they let us give an explanation in which the geographical and diaphasic components play an essential role in the reconstruction of the historical variation of the language.


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How to Cite

Serrano Marín, M. . (2021). Soy, doy, estoy and voy: Desinential Yod in Corpus CODEA+ 2015. E-Scripta Romanica, 9, 87–105.


