Human Skeletal Remains from St. Jacob Church in Wroclaw (13th–15th C.)
Skeletal remains originate from 97 graves dated at Middle Ages (13th –15th c.). Skulls are short and low with broad faces medium breadth noses and intermediately high orbits (table 6) showing prevalence of the laponoid (1) and the armendid (h) racial elements over the others (table 7). Long bones of the skeletons studied show the cross-over asymmetry (table 10), they are gracile that may be an indication of the fact that they belonged to city dwellers (table 112). Estimated body height was 167.6 cm for males and 157.4 cm for females. From the study of skeletal remains it may be concluded that people buried at St. Jacob church were similar to those buried at other cemeteries of Wrocław city (tables 7, 13).
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