Changes in height and body mass among twins over 18
The objectives of the study were: (1) to investigate the changes in the body height and mass of twins between the age of 18 and 25, as compared with their dimensions and rate of development in the earlier stages of ontogeny; and (2) to evaluate some environmental factors influencing the adult stature of the examined twins. The investigations involved 115 pairs of twins from the city of Wroclaw, who were measured once a year from-the age of 6 to 18. When they reached the age of 25, they took part in an inquiry which included a social questionaire. The results confirm earlier reports which say that after 18 the body height increases as the end result of the individual's growth and maturation. In 90% of the studied population an increase in the body height and mass after 18 was observed (height: 2.3 cm in boys, 1.5 cm in girls; mass: 9-10 kg in boys, 2.7-3 kg in girls). Absolute increments are higher in individuals who reached puberty later.
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