Avatars Going Mainstream: Typology of Tropes in Avatar-Based Storytelling Practices
https://doi.org/10.18778/2391-8551.03.06Słowa kluczowe:
avatars, narrative, storytelling, movies, tv series, light novelsAbstrakt
Due to the growing popularity of video games, gaming itself has become a shared experience among media audiences worldwide. The phenomenon of avatar-based games has led to the emergence of new storytelling practices. The paper proposes a typology of tropes in these avatar-based narratives focusing on non-game case studies. Suggested tropes are also confronted with the latest research on avatars in the area of game studies and current knowledge of the issues concerning the player-avatar relationship. Some of the most popular misconceptions regarding the gameplay experience and its representation in non-game media are exposed as a result of this analysis. The research confirms that popular culture perceives gaming experience as closely related to the player identity, as the latter inspires new genres of non-game narratives.
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