Poczucie koherencji a zadowolenie z życia u kobiet i mężczyzn na emeryturze
https://doi.org/10.18778/1427-969X.11.06Słowa kluczowe:
retirement, sense of coherence, life satisfactionAbstrakt
The aim of the study was to analyze the relationship between sense of coherence (SOC) and life satisfaction in retired men and women, who stopped working. 120 retirees (60 men, 60 women) were examined using following techniques: The Sense of Coherence Questionnaire (SOC- 29) by A. Antonovsky, The Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) by Diener et al. and The Scale “Emotions” by Wojciszke et al. The results point on differences between retired men and woman in the level of life satisfaction and sense of coherence (in favor of men). Moreover the relationship between sense of coherence (SOC) and life satisfaction was found in both groups. But the results suggest, that this relationship looks different in retired men then women.
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