Editorial instructions


  1. Journal Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Psychologica publishes research and review papers in the field of psychology, summaries of articles from current foreign magazines, reports from conferences and conventions, and reviews of papers.
  2. The editorial office accepts only papers that meet the established formal criteria.
  3. Papers with a set of tables and charts should be sent to the following address: foliapsych@uni.lodz.pl.
  4. Author information should be provided on a separate page. They should contain: name and surname of the author (authors), place of work (name of the Department) and information enabling direct contact (telephone number, e-mail address, correspondence address). Where an article has several authors, please provide contact information for each person.
  5. Works written on a sheet of A4 format (space 1.5; size of letters 12) should contain a margin of 4 cm on the left side, paragraphs with 1 cm indentation.
  6. The title of the article and its English translation should be placed in the header of the article.
  7. Titles and subtitles should be placed in the middle (no underlining).
  8. Tables and figures numbered with Arabic numerals should be placed separately. In the margin of the work, mark the place where figures and tables will be inserted.
  9. The list of literature should be prepared according to the attached template. The bibliography should include only those items to which the author refers in his work.
  10. The work should be accompanied by a short (maximum 150 words) summary of the work in Polish and English and key words.
  11. The deadline for submitting articles for the next year is April 30 each year. The editors will not return papers that do not meet the formal requirements.
  12. All articles are reviewed by persons outside the Institute of Psychology of the University of Lodz. Submission to print is subject to positive reviews being received and changes made. The paper accepted for publication (taking into account the reviewers' comments) should be delivered in an electronic version to the following address: foliapsych@uni.lodz.pl.
  13. The publishing house does not pay royalties to the authors.


  1. Determining the order of citation of bibliographic items.
  • Authors' surnames (or first author if multiple) are listed in alphabetical order.
  • Include the prefixes M', Mc, Mac, also in alphabetical order, eg MacArthur should come before McArthur.
  • The rule that "nothing precedes something" applies, i.e. Blacksmith before Blacksmith.
  • When we have works in which a given author is the sole author and those in which the same author appears as the first in the company, we always start with the works of one, then two, etc.
  • When we have several works in which the first author is always the same, and the co-authors change, then when ordering the works, we follow the letter that begins the surname of the second author, and if these are identical - then the third author, etc., e.g.

a. Adams J., Jones S.T. (1993)....
b. Adams J., Kaufman J.R.(1987)...
c. Adams J., Jones K., Cochran D.F. (1982)...

  • Several works by the same author(s) are ordered by year of publication, starting with the works published earlier. Works in print are always placed last.
  • When we have several works by the same author(s) published in the same year, we use the letters a,b,c, placing them after the year of publication.
  • When there are works by authors with the same surname, then we follow the initials of the names.
  1. How to quote the entire book.

Kępiński A. (1989). Poznanie chorego. Warszawa: PZWL.


  • We give the surnames and all initials of each author's name; we include all authors, regardless of their number.
  • We put dots after the initials of the names and commas separating the authors.
  • After the names of the authors, we give the year of publication in parentheses (or the formula "in press"), and then a full stop.
  • After giving the title in italics, we put a period, and then we put the place of publication and put a colon and enter the name of the publisher. We end with a period.
  • If the book has no author or editor, then we start with the title.
  • If we refer to a book that is a collection of articles, then the editor(s) is treated as the author(s) by putting their names first, but then open parentheses after the name(s), enter (ed.), followed by dot and then enter the year of publication in parentheses.
  1. How to cite a journal article.

Schwartz B. (1992). Powstanie i upadek wartości. Nowiny Psychologiczne, 2, 5-24.


  • The title of the article begins with a capital letter, after the title we put a full stop.
  • Next, we give the full title of the journal in italics, but do not use quotation marks; we put a comma between the title of the journal, the volume number, the beginning and the end of the article. We end with a period.
  1. Citing a chapter from a book and other materials.

Hartley J.T., Harker J.D. (1980). Contemporary issues... . W: L.W. Roon (red.), Aging in 1980s:

Psychological issues (vol.4,s.239-252). Washington, OC: American Psychological Association.

Wyśmienita A. (1995). Samopoczucie studentów psychologii podczas pisania pracy magisterskiej.

Unpublished master's thesis, University of Lodz, Lodz.


  • After the title, we put a period, then a capital letter W and a colon, then details of the editor(s), starting with the initial(s) of the name, then the surname.
  • We give the names of all editors, then in parentheses we write (ed.), then a comma and in italics the title of the book.
  • The pages on which the quoted text is located are placed in parentheses, followed by the place of publication, a colon and the publisher.
  • When quoting an article from a journal, the pages are given without parentheses, and the title of the journal is written in italics. In the case of unpublished papers, the title of the paper is written in italics.
  • When the publishing house is serial, we treat the collection of articles as a magazine. The pages on which the cited work is located are given without parentheses.
  • If the conference materials are published in the form of a collection with an editor, then we cite the given paper as an article from the collection. In this case, the pages are given in parentheses and preceded by the abbreviation s.


We do not number the list of references.

Citation rules

  1. When we refer to the work of one author, we give his name and year of publication, e.g. Kowalski (1984) udowodnił... lub Stwierdzone fakty (Kowalski, 1984)...
  2. When the work has two authors, each time we quote both names (as above), separating them with a comma.
  3. When the work has more than two authors, we give only the name of the first one, supplementing it with the formula et al., e.g. Kowalski i in. (1994)... lub... przytoczone dane (Kowalski i in.,1994).

In the list of cited literature, however, we provide the names of all authors.

  1. Citing a "collective author" (institution, university) requires giving the full name at the first citation, e.g. W raporcie Światowej Organizacji Zdrowia (1994)..., and for subsequent citations of the abbreviation, in the SOZ report (1994).
  2. Citing authors with the same last name requires using initials each time.
  3. Citing two or more works in the text in one parenthesis requires their alphabetical arrangement (as in the list of references). Works are separated by a semicolon, e.g. (Kuch, 1993; Kuch, Adams, 1954; Zych, 1993).
  4. If there are repeated works by the same author or authors, always start with the earliest works and end with works in print. Give the author's name only once, specifying the dates, e.g. Stated previously (Kowalski,1891,1982, w druku)...
  5. When citing works by the author(s) published in the same year, we use the letters a, b, c to distinguish them, placing them after the year of publication. We always start with previously published papers. We repeat a given year as many times as many times a given work occurs, placing a comma after the next citation, e.g. Many evidence... (Kowal i in. 1992a, 1992b, 1994, w druku-a, w druku-b; Zuch, 1956).
  6. When quoting a fragment of a text from a source verbatim, the author, year of publication and page should be given in parentheses, e.g. (Kowalski, Kowal, 1994, s.11).