Work–Family Interface, Marital Communication and Health among Employees Working in Backward Rotating System
work–family conflict, work–family facilitation, marital communication, mental health, shift workAbstract
Shift workers (N = 42) of a large Polish production company took part in the study investigating linkages between work-family interface, marital communication and health. The following instruments were used in the study: the Work-Family Spillover Scale, the Marital Communication Questionnaire and GHQ-28. The obtained results point to a few phenomena: (1) mental health complaints in shift workers (somatic symptoms, anxiety and sleeplessness, social dysfunction, acute depression, and general health) correlate with work-family conflict (Pearson r coefficients: 0.32; 0.43; 0.41; 0.52; 0.52, respectively); (2) family–work facilitation correlates with constructive styles of marital communication (support, engagement – 0.40 and 0.36, respectively) and work–family conflict presents a moderate correlation with a destructive communication style: depreciation (r = 0.31). Work–family interface is therefore related to marital communication and health of shift workers.
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