Workaholizm - meaning, consequences and correlates


  • Lucyna Golińska Uniwersytet Łódzki, Instytut Psychologii image/svg+xml



workaholism, personality and temperamental correlates of workaholism


The article reviews the theoretical concepts of workaholism as well as some empirical studies. It presents two approaches: workaholism as an addiction and workaholism as a fixed habit. The author discusses the consequences of a parent’s workaholism for family, relatives and children. The last part of the article presents the autor’s model of the personality and temperament correlates of workaholism: obsessive-compulsive tendencies, some features of narcissistic personality as well as high demand for stimulation.


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How to Cite

Golińska, L. (2010). Workaholizm - meaning, consequences and correlates. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Psychologica, (14), 97–107.


