Psychological consequences of feeling of threat experiencing in work situation


  • Piotr Mamcarz Katedra Psychologii Zarządzania i Organizacji, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II image/svg+xml
  • Izabela Mamcarz Katedra Psychologii Zarządzania i Organizacji, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II image/svg+xml
  • Lilia Suchocka Katedra Psychoterapii i Psychologii Zdrowia, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II image/svg+xml



feeling of threat, high-risk occupation, stress, existence, personality


This article is an attempt of presenting feeling of threat problem as well as connecting this phenomenon with psychological components of persons functioning in dangerous work environment conditions. Subject of feeling of threat can be understood as “experiencing apprehension concerning results of potential/actual dangers”, oscillates in terminological area of anxiety, fear, stress, restlessness and it highlights a cognitive process distinctive for listed phenomenon’s. Together with technological and organization changes increases number of health problems affecting workers in different institutions. The hardest work conditions affect people working in high-risk occupation. Physical factors of work environment as well as coexisting psychic occurrence affects multidimensional functioning of worker not only in terms of working conditions. The analysis of feeling of threat and its correlates is going to be presented based on empirical study executed on group of 304 (100 firefighters, 100 miners, and 104 employees of chemical factory). Obtained results will be used to present dependence between multidimensional functioning of person in dangerous work environment and feeling of threat.


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How to Cite

Mamcarz, P., Mamcarz, I., & Suchocka, L. (2012). Psychological consequences of feeling of threat experiencing in work situation. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Psychologica, (16), 13–33.


