The statuses of personal identity in adolescents living in Poland and Lithuania




statuses of identity, personal identity


Personal identity is one of the basic aspects of an individual. It gives her/him a sense of continuity, integrity, and individuality. The concept of identity was originated by Eric Erikson and later it was elaborated by James Marcia, who differentiated four statuses of identity based on four methods of coping with identity issues. Additional work with regard to the subject of personal identity was developed by Wim Meeus. The sense of personal identity develops throughout individual life span; however, the main crisis of identity occurs during adolescence. At this time a person asks herself/himself the fundamental questions related to self awareness: Who am I? What are my goals? What is important for me? Where we live, whether in a homeland or not, appears to have a great significance in shaping personal identity. The attempt was undertaken to compare the statuses of identity of young Poles living in Poland and those living in Lithuania. In the research there was employed a distinct measurement of four statuses of identity for four spheres of human functioning: a sphere of the relationships with parents, peers, a school, and an ideology. A range of interesting and varied results was obtained.


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How to Cite

Rydz, S., & Głód, A. (2014). The statuses of personal identity in adolescents living in Poland and Lithuania. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Psychologica, (18), 111–127.


