Perception of marriage and family relations and coping strategies of women with different levels of depression intensity
depression, marriage, family, coping strategiesAbstract
The article concerns women suffering from depression, their marriage and family relations and coping strategies. The aim of the study was to determine if there is a relationship between a degree of depression intensity in women and the perception of their marriage, to show which coping strategies are selected by ill women, and also to establish statistically signifi cant differences between the degree of depression intensity and a level of the determined coping strategies. The correlation between the degree of depression intensity and the perception of marriage was not statistically signifi cant. However, results of some questionnaires and a survey may suggest that as a result of their depression, for a majority of the study participants there have occurred some changes in contacts with their families. On the basis of the investigations, it can be stated that women suffering from unipolar depression most often use passive coping strategies, such as blaming themselves and assuming responsibility, wishful thinking and fantasizing, looking for social support, and positive re-evaluating. The study has shown that there are statistically signifi cant differences between women with different intensity of depression as for levels of such coping strategies as looking for social support, disclosing no feelings, self-control. It is found that the greater intensity of the disorder, the more passive coping strategies are used. Positive relations with the loved ones, as well as help and support offered by them, are very important aspects in the lives of women suffering from unipolar depression.References
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