Psychological analysis of testimony contents
content analysis, veracity assessmentAbstract
Psychological content analysis techniques developed to distinguish truthful from fabricated allegations (Statement Validity Assessment, Reality Monitoring, Scientific Content Analysis) show some promise in distinguishing truthful from fabricated statements. It is however argued, that they are not accurate enough to be admitted as expert scientific evidence in courts. A new, innovative formal assessment procedure – Multivariable Adult’s Statement Assessment Model (MASAM) was proposed. A group of 43 raters trained in statement content analysis, rated witnesses’ accounts. Studies have proven that with the use of MASAM it is possible to select 96,87% of truthful accounts and the conditional probability for content analysis results based upon MASAM analysis is 91,85%. As regards to false statements assessment, content analysis with the use of MASAM has also proven its superiority, with the conditional probability of 69,23% and three other compared content analysis techniques lead to wrong decisions in more than 50% of cases.References
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