Social value orientations and evaluation of the interaction partner’s traits depending on emotional facial expression
social value orientations, orientation on the others/orientation on oneself, perception of people, Ring Measure of Social Values, facial emotional expressionsAbstract
The article is about the impact of social orientation on the relationship between generated assessments of the characteristics of another individual and emotion presented on his/her face. An omnibus type representative survey was carried out according to the experimental scheme, entirely via the Internet (N = 972). The following tools were used: a modifi ed version of the Ring Measure of Social Values (Liebrand, 1984) for the measurement of social value orientations; photographs of facial expressions (happiness, anger, neutrality) for the experimental manipulation; a scale for the assessment of perception of the individuals presented on the photographs. As expected, the link was demonstrated between social value orientations and the assessment about someone displaying various emotions on the face. Moderating nature of social orientation was connected with the degree of the orientation on the others as well as with the category of social orientation, but in relation to two of the eleven dimensions of features: “willing to cooperate” and “predictable”. The results seem to indicate the altruism orientation as the distinctive one in terms of moderating the relationship between observed emotion and generated evaluation. The results were given an interpretation, and areas were suggested in which it was worth planning additional researches that might provide the knowledge required to draw fi nal conclusions. It was highlighted that specifi c methodological solutions which might have infl uenced the structure of results were applied.References
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