The analysis of susceptibility to visual illusions in the context of field dependence-independence and gender


  • Hanna Bednarek SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny, Wydział Psychologii, Instytut Podstaw Psychologii, Katedra Psychologii Poznawczej image/svg+xml
  • Agnieszka Lukas Centrum Medyczne im. dr. L. Rydygiera w Łodzi, Przychodnia Akademicka „PaLMA”, Poradnia Zdrowia Psychicznego



shape and direction illusions, the Tilt-Constancy Theory, Zӧllner and Poggendorff, Rod and Frame illusion


The answers for three questions were sought: 1) whether people who are susceptible to shape and direction illusions are also most prone to illusions of constancy tilt; 2) whether field-dependent persons compared to field-independent are more susceptible to visual illusions; and 3) whether women are more prone to visual illusions than men. 75 high school students (M = 18.5; SD = 0.5) and 31 psychology students (M = 20; SD = 0.5) participated in the study. The Embedded Figures Test was used as a measure of field dependence-independence, Witkin’s Rod and Frame Test as a measure of the rod and frame illusion, whereas susceptibility to illusions (Zӧllner, Poggendorff, Ponzo, Ebbinghaus, Miller-Lyer) was verified with the use of computer tasks. It was revealed that field dependence/independence did not diversify the susceptibility to illusions mentioned above. The study showed differences in the susceptibility to illusions depending on gender. Women appeared to be more susceptible to Rod and Frame, Poggendorff and Zӧllner illusions than men. Correlations between Rod and Frames illusion and other illusions were obtained for the tilt angle of the frame from the vertical by 15 degrees.


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How to Cite

Bednarek, H., & Lukas, A. (2015). The analysis of susceptibility to visual illusions in the context of field dependence-independence and gender. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Psychologica, (19), 43–61.


