Measurement and Self-assessment of the Emotional Intelligence Level in People with Extremely High General Intelligence Quotient


  • Andrzej Sękowski Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Instytut Psychologii
  • Jakub Górecki
  • Martyna Płudowska



values, judgement, creativity, innovations, culture dimensions


Dependencies between creativity and values can be investigated at various levels. Taking into consideration four dimensions in which human creative competence reveals, the present article concentrates on the study of connections between these variables. The presented theoretical conceptualization and the results of research are aimed at demonstrating that an individual’s inner creativity, individual externalised creativity, group (social) creativity, and values, both those displayed in individual judgements and hierarchies and those accepted by members of a broader group, interact with each other. The importance of creativity in compromising axiological issues is shown in the article. The role that is played by values in individual creativity and their impact on the level and range of an innovation are also presented.


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How to Cite

Sękowski, A., Górecki, J., & Płudowska, M. (2017). Measurement and Self-assessment of the Emotional Intelligence Level in People with Extremely High General Intelligence Quotient. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Psychologica, (20), 105–129.


