Empathy and Attachment Style in the Context of Close Relationships of Young Adults


  • Justyna Kulczyk Uniwersytet Gdański, Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Psychologii




attachment styles, empathy


In the present article there has been described a connection between three dimensional model of empathy and attachment styles in close relationships of young adults. The study was conducted in a group of 120 people (60 women, 60 men; 38 cohabitant pairs, 22 marriages). The participants fi lled in the following questionnaires: The Scale of Empathic Sensitiveness, which measures empathic concern, personal distress and perspective taking, and The Questionnaire of Attachment Styles, which measures the following styles: the secure style, the anxious-ambivalent style and the avoidant style. The results indicate that there exists a connection between empathy and attachment styles. The secure style correlates positively with perspective taking, the anxious-ambivalent style correlates positively with empathic concern and personal distress, the avoidant style correlates positively with personal distress and negatively with perspective taking. The study revealed that women achieved higher scores on empathic concern and personal distress than men did, but no sex diff erences in manifested attachment styles were observed. Moreover, the type of relationship (marriage vs. cohabitation) diff erentiated scores on the anxious-ambivalent style and personal distress dimension, where cohabitants scored higher.


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How to Cite

Kulczyk, J. (2017). Empathy and Attachment Style in the Context of Close Relationships of Young Adults. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Psychologica, (20), 89–104. https://doi.org/10.18778/1427-969X.20.06


