Przegląd teorii aprobaty społecznej
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social approval, social desirability, need of social approval, theories of social approval, questionnaires to measure social approvalAbstrakt
The aim of this review is to present the most important theories of social approval. There are one-factor and two-factor theories of social approval distinguished. The most important among one-factor theories are: Edwards and Crowne–Marlowe models of social approval, and among two-factor theories are: Wiggins, Damarin and Messick, Sackeim and Gur, and Paulhus. There are also presented questionnaires based on theories mentioned above, which are used to measure the need of social approval: the Edwards Social Desirability Scale, the Marlowe–Crowne Social Desirability Scale, the Self-Deception Questionnaire and the Other-Deception Questionnaire created by Sackeim and Gur, and the Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding (BIDR) designed by Paulhus, which consists of two subscales: Self-Deceptive Enhancement and Impression Management.
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