Policy regarding peer review
A paper submitted for publication in KWARTAŁ Magazine is initially screened by the Editorial Board in terms of formality and compliance with the scope of the Magazine. Next, the paper undergo a double review. The first reviewer is a member of the Editorial Board. The second reviewer is the Magazine supervisor or another employee of the Institute of Urban and Regional Studies and Planning, University of Lodz who specialises in the scope of the paper. The paper is reviewed in use of the following criteria:
- Cognitive value (relevance/usefulness of the topic or approach),
- Scientific value (content arrangement, if applicable – aims, research questions, hypotheses, methods),
- Technical quality (language, tables, figures, references),
- Literature (selection, differentiation, use).
Reviews are prepared in writing and contain a feedback whether the paper is suitable for publication in the current form, requires reworking, or is not suitable for publication at all. The reviews and additional feedback are shared with the authors via e-mail. The reviews are repeated until both reviewers agree to accept the paper.