Editorial Instructions
When preparing papers, please follow the guidelines listed below:
- Language:
Polish or English (British English); - Volume:
- 15-30,000 characters with spaces (papers in the "Article" category),
- 7-15,000 characters with spaces (papers in the "Essay", "Review", "Other" categories),
- up to 5,000 characters including spaces (papers in the "Photo Essay" category);
- Typeface:
Times New Roman, 12 point; - Line spacing:
5 line spacing; - Margins:
Default; - File:
Editable, in .DOC or .DOCX formats; - Photographs and illustrations:
Maximum 8; included in the manuscript and sent as separate files; photographs and illustrations should be referenced in the typescript, e.g. "Figure 1"; - Tables and graphs:
Maximum 4; included in the manuscript, editable (please do not use screenshots), tables and charts should be referenced in the typescript, e.g. "Table 1"; - Each photograph, illustration, chart and table must be described by its title, number and source; Uniform nomenclature of the indicated elements should be used (e.g. the terms "Figure" and "Photography" should not be used interchangeably); Author's own photographs and illustrations should be captioned "Source: Own work (XXXX)” in place of the letters X the year of taking the photograph/drawing the illustration should be entered; Photographs and illustrations that are not taken/made by the paper Author should be captioned "Source: XXXX", and in place of the letters X the name of the author of the photograph or illustration, respectively, should be entered;
- All photographs, illustrations, charts and tables sent with the text should be properly arranged in the manuscript (their order and arrangement must logically correspond to the manuscript content and be arranged in the way they are intended to be published;
- Quotations:
Citations in the manuscript should be placed in quotation marks and marked with a bibliographic reference containing information about the page/pages on which the quoted words were placed in the source (short designation "p." for a single page and "pp." for a range of pages);
- References:
Harvard referencing (placed directly in the main text); In the case of a reference to a paper of more than two authors, the abbreviation "et al." should be used after the mention of first authors’ name; - Reference list:
Listed at the end of the text in alphabetical order, without numbering.
We remind you that the structure of the submitted papers should consist of an introduction, main body, and conclusions.
The Editorial Board make efforts to print the Magazine in color. However, it reserves the right to print it in greyscale only.
Reference style
- Template:
Surname, First name letter. (Year of publication). Book title. Place of publication: Publisher. - Example 1 - a book by one author:
Sokołowicz, M. E. (2015). Rozwój terytorialny w świetle dorobku ekonomii instytucjonalnej. Przestrzeń, bliskość, instytucje. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego. - Example 2 - a book by two authors:
Chatterton, P., & Hollands, R. G. (2005). Urban Nightscapes. Youth Cultures, Pleasure Spaces and Corporate Power. London: Routledge. - Example 3 – a book by three or more authors:
Storper, M., Kemeny, T., Makarem, N. P., & Osman, T. (2015). The Rise and Fall of Urban Economies: Lessons from San Francisco and Los Angeles. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
Edited book:
- Template:
Surname, First name letter. (ed.) (Year of publication). Book title. Place of publication: Publisher. - Example 1 - a book edited by one editor:
Liszewski, S. (ed.) (2009). Łódź. Monografia miasta. Łódź: Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe. - Example 2 - a book edited by two editors:
Jayne, M., & Ward, K. (eds.) (2017). Urban Theory. New Critical Perspectives. London: Routledge. - Example 3 – a book edited by three or more editors:
Feltynowski, M., Niepiekło, B., Kina, E., & Tomaszewska (eds.) (2012). pO KOLEI. Miejsca, wyzwania, inspiracje. Łódź: Katedra Gospodarki Regionalnej i Środowiska Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego.
Chapter in the edited book:
- Template:
Author's surname, Author's name letter. (Year of publication). Chapter title. [in:] Letter of the editor's name Editor’s surname (ed.), Title of the book. Place of publication: Publishing House, Page range of the entire chapter. - Example 1 - chapter by one author:
Feltynowski, M. (2016). Cities in the age of the big data. [in:] Z. Przygodzki (ed.), EkoMiasto#Zarządzanie. Zrównoważony, inteligentny i partycypacyjny rozwój miasta. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 195–206. - Example 2 – a chapter by two authors:
Boryczka, E. M., & Zasina, J. (2016). Dziedzictwo kulturowe i tożsamość miasta. [in:] A. Nowakowska, Z. Przygodzki, & A. Rzeńca (eds.), EkoMiasto#Społeczeństwo. Zrównoważony, inteligentny i partycypacyjny rozwój miasta. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 63–86.
Journal article:
- Template:
Author's surname, Author's name letter. (Year of publication). Title of the article. Journal title (Journal number), Page range of the entire article. - Example 1 - article by one author:
Nowakowska, A. (2018). Od regionu do terytorium. Reinterpretacja znaczenia przestrzeni w procesach rozwoju gospodarczego. Gospodarka Narodowa, 295(3), 5–22. - Example 2 - article by two authors:
Rzeszewski, M., & Rodak, O. (2019). Czy więcej znaczy lepiej? Badania ilościowe w geografii społeczno-ekonomicznej ery Big Data. Rozwój Regionalny i Polityka Regionalna, 46, 67–89. - Example 3 – article by three or more authors:
Zasina, J., Sokołowicz, M. E., & Nogalski, S. (2020). Lodz City Tour: The Changing Nature of the Urban Restructuring of a Post-Socialist Industrial City. disP – the Planning Review, 56(2), 8–19.
Web article:
- Template:
Author's surname, Author's name letter. (Publication date). Title of the article. Accessed Access Day from: Web Address - Example:
Florida, R. (2011.09.15). Why Cities Matter. Accessed 2018.01.19 from: https://www.citylab.com/design/2011/09/why-cities-matter/123/
Document (e.g. municipal):
- Template:
Abbreviation of the name of the institution (Year of publication). Document title. Place of publication: Full name of the institution. - Example 1:
UMTM (2020). Program Ochrony Środowiska dla Gminy Miasto Tomaszów Mazowiecki na lata 2020-2023 z perspektywą na lata 2024-2027. Tomaszów Mazowiecki: Urząd Miasta w Tomaszowie Mazowieckim. - Example 2:
UMWŁ (2013). Strategia Rozwoju Województwa Łódzkiego 2020. Łódź: Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Łódzkiego.
Legal act (e.g. act, resolution, ordinance):
- Template:
Type of legal act (Year of adoption). Full name of the legal act (number of publication). - Example 1:
The Act (2003). Ustawa z dnia 23 lipca 2003 r. o ochronie zabytków i opiece nad zabytkami (t.j. Dz. U. z 2020 r. poz. 282, 782, 1378). - Example 2:
Resolution (2021). Uchwała nr XXV/205/2021 Rady Gminy Wodzierady z dnia 5 marca 2021 r. w sprawie uchwalenia Regulaminu utrzymania czystości i porządku na terenie Gminy Wodzierady (Dz. Urz. Województwa Łódzkiego z 2021 r., poz. 1283). - Example 3:
Regulation (2015). Rozporządzenie Prezydenta Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej z dnia 16 lutego 2015 r. w sprawie uznania za pomnik historii „Łódź – wielokulturowy krajobraz miasta przemysłowego” (Dz.U. z 2015 r., poz. 315).
- Template:
Surname, First name letter. (Year). Title of the thesis. Unpublished work type of work. City: University. - Example 1 - Master thesis:
Zasina, J. (2013). Gdy przypadek staje się regułą. Wariantowanie przekształceń elewacji zabytkowego modernistycznego osiedla ZUS w Łodzi z wykorzystaniem modelowania proceduralnego i badań sondażowych. Unpublished master thesis. Łódź: University of Lodz. - Example 2 – PhD thesis:
Boryczka, E. (2019). Procesy rewitalizacji i ich konsekwencje dla przekształceń bazy ekonomicznej miasta. Przykład miast poprzemysłowych. Unpublished PhD thesis. Łódź: University of Lodz.
- Template:
Name of the website (Day of publication). The title of the material on the website. Accessed Access Day from: Web Address - Example:
University of Lodz (2017.10.24). Terms and conditions for allocating and using places in DS UŁ. Accessed 2019.01.02 from: http://cos.uni.lodz.pl/akademiki/regulaminu-przydzielania-i-siłania-z-place-w-ds-ul
Web audio or video:
- Template:
Name of the channel sharing the audio/video (Publication date). Audio/video title. Accessed Access Day from: Web Address - Example 1:
RPOpromocja (2011.11.30). Szlak Moderny w Katowicach. Accessed 2021.02.17 from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMsOVwpuKLY - Example 2:
Dział Zagraniczny (2021.02.18). Jakim kosztem rozbudowuje się Addis Abeba. Accessed 2021.04.02 from: https://open.spotify.com/show/7iyTVDyRmiGgNZsnU14dOs
Social media post:
- Template:
Social network profile name (Publication date). Site name Accessed Access Day from: Web Address - Example 1:
SKN SPATIUM (2020.07.08). Instagram post. Accessed 2021.04.02 from : https://www.instagram.com/p/CCYAom5jmWU/ - Example 2:
Gospodarka przestrzenna EkSoc (2021.03.11). Facebook post. Accessed 2021.04.02 from: https://www.facebook.com/GP.eksoc.ul/posts/1415420382158665