Editorial Instructions

Author Guidelines

  • Send an email with the attached file with the article to the address: fow@uni.lodz.pl


  • File format: .doc or .docx; font: Times New Roman; size: 12; character spacing: normal; line spacing: 1.5; indentation: 1 tab (tabs made with the space bar are to be avoided).
  • The Editorial Board accepts texts in English.
  • All parts of the manuscript submitted to the Editorial Board (1. Abstract and keywords; 2. Main text; 3. Bibliography; 4. Tables; 5. List of table titles; 6. Figure captions) should start from a new page and be in one file.
  • The article should include the author's full name, affiliation, email address, and ORCID number. This information should be placed on the first page, above the article title, aligned to the right.
  • Papers to be published are to be provided with an abstract in English. The abstract’s length should be about 1000 characters (with spaces) and it must contain basic information about the paper’s contents. Five keywords in English are also required.


  • The article should have footnotes (endnotes or in-text footnotes are not to be used)
  • Literature references must contain the family name of the author, initial of the first name, publication date, and page numbers, e.g., Blake M. 1998, 59, or Kruk J., Milisauskas D. 1983, 259.
  • In case there are three or more authors, only the family name of the first author should be given, followed by et al., e.g., Sofer B. et al. 2000, 814. Page numbers are to be given in full, e.g., 35–37, 123–135.

Cyrillic letters

  • Family names in Cyrillic letters, when quoted as literature references, should be transliterated according to the international ISO-9:1995 standard for Latinization. The same family names or geographical names in the main text, footnotes, tables, or maps should be transcribed according to the same ISO standard.

Dating and numbers

  • Examples: April 18, 1930; from May to September 1998; during the war 1914–1918
  • Write out century in Arabic numerals in the text, in notes, picture captions and brackets, e.g. 19th century
  • Write out the numbers one to twelve in full words in the main text. Numbers above 12  are written as a numeral (e.g. two, seventh, eleven, 13, 15.5).


  • Short Latin expressions, e.g. de facto, ad acta, sensu stricto, vide should be written in italics.


  • Longer text quotations in quotation marks

Name of place

  • When mentioning a name of place (city, village) for the first time, state the present administrative unit (e.g. District) in parentheses; not in the case of generally known cities (e.g. Berlin, Warsaw)

Illustration, Plate and Table References

  • The manuscript should indicate the places where the publisher is to insert a figure, table, or diagram.
  • The text should include references to illustrations/diagrams/tables that are referred to in the content e.g. (Fig. 3).
  • Examples of describing illustrations, diagrams and tables:

(Fig. 1) – for all types of illustrations, such as photos, diagrams, drawings, maps etc.

(Table 1) – for tables


  • File format: doc; font: Times New Roman 10 (no bold); character spacing: normal; line spacing: 1.0.
  • Tables in papers are numbered with Arabic numerals. Their titles are to be given in a twofold manner: above the table and separately, in the list of table titles.


  • All figures must be inserted and quoted in the text, from 1 to x. All illustrations, that is, drawings, photos, maps, plates, graphs etc. are considered as figures with a common continuous numbering from 1 to x, using Arabic numerals. Internal parts of figures and graphic signs in legends are marked with minuscule letters, in order of appearance.
  • Each illustration, in addition to its description, should include information about its source (e.g., the name of the archive, publication, etc.).
  • Only illustrations that are not protected by copyright or those for which the Author submitted paper holds the copyright are included.
  • Each figure must be submitted as a separate TIF or JPG file.
  • Minimum quality of figure files: dashed graphics (TIF) – 600 dpi; raster graphics (TIF/JPG) – 300 dpi.

Guidelines of Final Bibliography Preparation

  • The list of cited works should be in alphabetical order (without separating it into sections such as sources and studies)
  • Titles of papers, chapters, monographs, collective works – italics
  • Periodical titles – in quotation marks
  • Full range of chapter or paper pages
  • Abbreviations preceding the volume number of a periodical (vol.) and page numbers (p.) are not to be used
  • Numbers of volumes and years are to be written in Arabic numerals
  • Places of publications only, no publishing house names
  • Abbreviations (ed./eds.) for the editor or editors
  • Commas are used only before page numbers, after (ed./eds.) for chapters in collective works and in case there are more than two authors; in other cases individual parts of entries are separated with full stops
  • Authors’ initials are to be given after their family names; only in the case of a chapter in a collective work editor/editors’ initials are to be given before the family name
  • works published in a collective work – In:
  • In case there are several places of publication, they are separated with a en dash, e.g., London–New York

Archival sources

RK 17. Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych in Warsaw. Archiwum Skarbu Koronnego 1. Rachunki Królewskie 17.

MB 3110/a. Štátny archív v Prešove – pobočka Bardejov. Magistrát mesta Bardeiov 3110/a.

Printed sources

Bielski M. 1856. Kronika polska. K.J. Turowski (ed.), Sanok.

CDP 1. 1847. Codex diplomaticus Poloniae 1. L. Ryszczewski, A. Muczkowski, A.Z. Helcel (eds.), Varsaviae.

Tarnowski J. 1987. Consilium rationis bellicae. J. Sikorski, T. Nowak (eds.), Warszawa.

Joannis de Czarnkow 1961. Joannis de Czarnkow Chronicon Polonorum, J. Szlachtowski (ed.), Monumenta Polonia Historica 2. A. Bielowski (ed.), Warszawa.

Papers in periodicals

Kita J. 2023. Rola tajnej prasy jako narzędzia kontrpropagandy w dobie powstania styczniowego. „Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Historica" 113, 101–120.

Shemesh M. 2004. Prelude to the Six-Day War: The Arab Israeli Struggle Over Water Resources. „Israel Studies” 9(3), 1–45.

Rhomiopoulou K., Kilian-Dirlmeier I. 1989. Neue Funde aus der eisenzeitlichen Hügel- nekropole von Vergina, Griechish Makedonien. “Praehistorische Zeitschrift” 64(1–2), 86–150.

Single authors or book editors

Lawrence D. 2008. The complete soldier. Leiden.

Cuneo P. (ed.) 2002. Artful Armies, Beautiful Battles. Art and Warfare in Early Modern Europe. Leiden.

Several authors or book editors

Rostocki A., Sokołowski T. 1972. Świat starych samochodów. Warszawa.

Grabarczyk T., Pogońska-Pol M. (eds.) 2021. Oblicza Wojny 4: Miasto i wojna. Łódź.

Papers in collective works or book chapters

Kürti B., Petrovics I. 1994. Szeged. In: G. Kristó, P. Engel, F. Makk (eds.), Korai Magyar Történeti Lexikon. Budapest–Szeged, 621–622.

Oța S., Ardeț A., Negrei D. 2019. Archaeological research in the city of Caransebeş (2017 campaign). Preliminary observations. In: Z. Iusztin (ed.), Volume of the Internacional Conference Politics and Society in the Central and South-Eastern Europe (13 th – 16 th Centuries), (Timişoara, România, 25 th – 27th, October 2017), Cluj–Napoca, 11–31.

Several works of one author

  • In case there are several works of one author, their family names in the literature list are repeated in each entry, followed by the date of publication. In case there are several works from the same year, the year’s number is to be provided with a, b, c, etc.

Gediga B. 2007. Problemy obrazu kultury wczesnej epoki żelaza na Śląsku w świetle nowych badań terenowych. „Śląskie Sprawozdania Archeologiczne” 49, 123–146.

Gediga B. 2010a. Śląsk – regionalna prowincja kultury halsztackiej. In: B. Gediga, W. Piotrowski (eds.), Rola głównych centrów kulturowych w kształtowaniu oblicza kulturowego Europy Środkowej we wczesnych okresach epoki żelaza. Biskupińskie Prace Archeologiczne 8. Prace Komisji Archeologicznej 18. Biskupin–Wrocław, 187–218.

Gediga B. 2010b. Przejawy antropomorfizacji w sztuce pradziejowej. In: E. Bugaj, A.P. Kowalski (eds.), Estetyka w archeologii : antropomorfizacje w pradziejach i starożytności. Poznań, 47–82.

Unpublished works: doctoral dissertations/ master’s theses/ excavation reports

Gryglewski K. 2023. Wojna i pieniądze w czasach Władysława Jagiełły. Unpublished master’s thesis. Archive of Department of Medieval History of Poland, Institute of History, University of Lodz, Łódź, Poland.

Online publications

Soliman A. 2015, All Eyes for Yemen, Joint Arab Military Forces at Sharm El-Sheikh Arab Summit. https://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContent/1/64/126412/Egypt/Politics-/Alleyes-on-Yemen,-joint-Arab-military-forces-at-S.aspx. Available on-line: 31.09.2024.