Transformation of Forest Vegetation after 40 Years of Protection in the Tomczyce Nature Reserve (Central Poland)


  • Marcin Kiedrzyński University of Lodz, Department of Geobotany and Plant Ecology
  • Katarzyna Zielińska University of Lodz, Department of Geobotany and Plant Ecology
  • Paulina Grzelak University of Lodz, Department of Geobotany and Plant Ecology



forest regeneration, mixed pine-oak forest, nature protection, Central Poland


The Tomczyce nature reserve is characterized by a degenerated forest vegetation. We assume that the regeneration process was possible to launch after the establishment of the nature reserve in 1968. The vegetation of the Tomczyce forest complex was characterized for the first time by Jakubowska-Gabara (1976) whose studies were taken as a basis of our research. The phytocenoses after 40. years of protection have a greater participation of species with higher trophic and moisture requirements. The regeneration process in communities with pine trees is caused by an expansion of broad-leaved trees and shrubs. Transformation of forest vegetation causes a decrease in cover of thermophilous and heliophilous species. On the other hand, species of oak-hornbeam forests as well as anthropophytes are in expansion. Planning of the protection activities in the nature reserve needs to include these dynamic tendencies of the vegetation.


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How to Cite

Kiedrzyński, M., Zielińska, K., & Grzelak, P. (2011). Transformation of Forest Vegetation after 40 Years of Protection in the Tomczyce Nature Reserve (Central Poland). Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Biologica Et Oecologica, 7, 207–227.


