Retelling Legends and Folk Tales: A Transcreative Approach in the Collaborative Translation Classroom
authentic learning environment, collaborative translation, folk tale, transcreation, translation pedagogyAbstract
The objective of this paper is twofold: to present an authentic collaborative project devoted to the transcreation of different versions of Polish legends and folk tales (with eventual publication in an academic journal), as well as to demonstrate the advantages of applying the transcreative approach to translation in translator training at MA level. The project in question was accomplished in the academic year 2018/2019 by a team of the 1st and 2nd year MA students, partly out of the classroom in an authentic setting and partly within the frames of a specialised collaborative translation course. The paper presents a new idea to teach translation, based on action research and the out-of-the-classroom approach to translator training, and includes a qualitative research case study of students’ views on the project as well as some pedagogical implications, such as the proposal to introduce collaborative transcreation activities into translator training curricula.
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