Words for Women’s Boots in Present-Day Polish: a Quantitative and Contrastive Onomasiological Study
Polish, onomasiology, terminology, footwear, boots, dictionaries, learner language, elicitation experiments, subculturesAbstract
Footwear terminology demonstrates interesting cross-linguistic differences and is, consequently, also a problematic area for non-native speakers. In order to arrive at a more accurate picture of a subset of footwear terminology in present-day Polish, 82 native speakers were asked to name a range of six contemporary women’s boot styles. No style showed a complete agreement in the preferred head noun, although a clear trend was evident for each one, with kozaki being the most commonly used overall. The possibly uniquely Polish use of a military metaphor for tall riding-style boots (oficerki) and the special subcultural case of Dr. Martens-style boots are discussed in particular. The choice of modifiers within noun phrases for boots is also examined. Some contrastive data are presented from speakers of Greek and Russian.
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